Category Asian Countries


Flag of Turkmenistan with link to flight support services for Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan To acquire overflight and landing permits for Turkmenistan, specific details are required. Provide detailed information about the flight, including the purpose, type of aircraft, registration number, and the proposed flight route. Specify the date and time of your planned…


Flag of Tajikistan with link to flight support services for Tajikistan.

Tajikistan To acquire overflight and landing permits for Tajikistan, specific details are required. Provide detailed information about the flight, including the purpose, type of aircraft, registration number, and the proposed flight route. Specify the date and time of your planned…


Flag of Kyrgyzstan with link to flight support services for Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan To acquire overflight and landing permits for Kyrgyzstan, specific details are required. Provide detailed information about the flight, including the purpose, type of aircraft, registration number, and the proposed flight route. Specify the date and time of your planned…


Flag of Kazakhstan with link to flight support services for Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Civil Aviation simplified the process of overflights, now it is not required to send any “Aircraft Documents” in order to obtain overflight permit, except for flights operating with “Dangerous Cargo – [ DGR ]”. This above regulation was…

Sri Lanka

Flag of Sri Lanka with link to flight support services for Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for Sri Lanka, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies…


Flag of Pakistan with link to flight support services for Pakistan.

Pakistan To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for Pakistan, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies of crew…


Flag of Nepal with link to flight support services for Nepal.

Nepal To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for Nepal, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies of crew…


Flag of India with link to flight support services for India.

India To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for India, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies of crew…


Flag of Bangladesh with link to flight support services for Bangladesh.

Bangladesh To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for Bangladesh, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies of crew…


Flag of Bhutan with link to flight support services for Bhutan.

Bhutan To acquire Overflight and Landing permits for Bhutan, specific details are required. Provide a comprehensive flight schedule. Include the entry and exit points along with the ATC flight plan. Submit colored copies of crew licenses. Provide copies of crew…